1. Under my chin. Age five. Split it open on Thanksgiving day, after taking a swan dive off of the coat pile on my parent's bed. 14 stitches, no novacaine. The term "papoose board" still makes me wince.
2. Right shin. Age ten. Fell on a bowhead garden rake hidden in the grass while playing wiffle ball, creating two deep puncture wounds. Six stitches in each puncture.
3. Left foot's second toe. Age Twelve. Accidentally dropped a 25-pound weight plate on my foot, smashing the toe. No doctor. The toe still looks a little...odd.
4. Left eardrum. Age thirteen. Severe perforation due to an unlikely combination of a beetle, bridge jumping, and an inevitable abscess. Wost pain in my life, by far, until they gave me morphine. If you're wondering why I keep asking you to repeat yourself when we're in a noisy room, now you know.
5. Right cheek and forehead. Chicken pox. Don't scratch them, really!
6. Left wrist. Age 21. No matter how drunk you are and how annoying the sorority girls may be, I still advise against putting your clove cigarette out on your wrist after they tell you it smells bad.
What about yours?
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