So this weekend was our 14th wedding anniversary! Breakfast included delicious fresh scrambled duck eggs from Daring Drake Farm, mouth-watering crispy bacon from The Piggery, and freshly-picked strawberries from Red Jacket Orchards.
Duck eggs are are similar in flavor and texture to chicken eggs, though they are a bit more rich. The richness especially lends itself to scrambled eggs, in that you don't need to add any milk or cream.
The bacon was part of our weekly CSA share with The Piggery. The share also contained two amazing pork rib chops, which we grilled out at Taughannock Falls State Park earlier this week. We forgot BBQ sauce and herbs for our picnic, but those chops, simply grilled and browned in their own fat, were amazingly juicy and flavorful. I'd dare say they were the best pork chops I've ever tasted.
The strawberries were part of our fruit CSA share through The Full Plate Farm Collective. We received two perfectly ripe quarts of them, plus some fresh rhubarb in this week's share.
The bananas were obviously not so local, though we did plant two paw-paw trees earlier this spring. Paw paws are sort of like a banana that can grow in northern climates.
More on Paw Paws from Wikipedia:
"The fruit is a large edible berry, 5–16 cm long and 3–7 cm broad, weighing from 20–500g, with numerous seeds; it is green when unripe, maturing to yellow or brown. It has a flavor somewhat similar to both banana and mango, varying significantly by cultivar, and has more protein than most fruits."
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